New R&D Aurismed Biotechnology Project

Aurismed Biotechnology ‘Lublin tele-medical platform LUBTELMED’

We are pleased to announce that on 1 July 2018 the R&D Department of Aurismed Biotechnology launches the project ‘Lublin tele-medical platform LUBTELMED’

The project is performed under Action 1.2. Target Research ROP Lubelskie Voivodeship, Priority Axis 1 Research and innovation, Action 1.2 in an industrial consortium, which includes: R –Soft Studio Sp. z o.o. and Aurismed S.A.

The aim of the project is to develop an innovative interactive telemedical platform for the exchange of information, which would offer B2C, B2B services using the Internet of Things (IoT) for healthcare entities, physicians and patients based on the principles of Evidence Based Medicine.

As a result of the project, the Tele-medicine Platform will be created, which will offer diagnostic and rehabilitation services that do not require direct contact between a physician and a patient.

Innovative tele-medicine applications developed by R&D departments of Consortiumers will enable effective and quick on-line diagnosis and provide access to innovative rehabilitation services with the use of multimedia tools, in particular:

early disease diagnosis,

counselling on optimum diagnostic path for an undiagnosed patient,

counselling on optimum therapeutic path for a diagnosed patient,

rehabilitation of dysfunctions, including verbal communication, nervous system and sensory organs (speech defects, aphasia, progressive neurodegenerative diseases, balance disorders).

The revolution in the health care sector is mainly due to the wide use of information and communication technologies. It has already made tele-medicine in developed countries one of the pillars of the health care system. Modern recipients of medical services are increasingly more aware as clients of healthcare centres. They expect individuals knowledge-based products tailored to their needs. Easy access to medical services is one of the main factors determining their choice.

Aurismed Biotechnology aims at developing tele-medical services meeting the Patients’ expectations. An interdisciplinary team of medical and IT scientists was involved in the ‘Lublin tele-medicine platform LUBTELMED’ project.

During the project implementation, the consortium members plan active cooperation with the Warsaw Medical University and the Lublin University of Technology.

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